Thursday, July 3, 2008

Friends Till the Bitter End

Last weekend Kathryn performed in the Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival's Children's Theater production of Jungle Book. She was very excited to play a vulture. Here she is in her costume...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Morgan's Birthday

Morgan celebrates her 5th birthday on June 17! This year she wanted to have her birthday party at the city pool. Here are some of the pics from the party...

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

No Wonder We Can't Have Nice Things

Ever wonder why your furniture is falling apart? I know why mine is and I'm partly to blame because it's just so darn entertaining it's hard to say no. They'll only be little for a short time and when they get bigger they won't be allowed to do this anymore. (Side note: Daniel is not usually allowed to do this) Morgan likes to get on the coffee table and dance and sing to entertain us. So the other day I videotaped her doing this, then Daniel and Kathryn came in and wanted to mimic her. So here are all their videos...

At the end of this one Daniel wants to jump over the table then his friend and the girls have to do it too...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun at Grandma's

My brother-in-law bought this blow-up boat with oars for the kids to play with in Grandma's pool. Here are some pics of the kids having fun in the boat in the pool...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Recital Costume Pics

I took the girls to a professional photographer and had their pics taken in their recital costumes. They turned out so good that I had a hard time choosing, so I chose 3 poses of each girl. Here they are...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Little Miss Magnolia

Kathryn heard about a local beauty pageant from a friend at school and wanted to enter. The pageant was last weekend and even though she didn't place she really had fun and is already talking about entering again next year. I may be biased but I think she looked beautiful and should have placed. She had to wear two outfits, the first pic is of her in her casual outfit...

In her formal outfit she had to answer an interview question, which was, "You said you wanted to be a Dr. when you grow up, why do you want to be one?" Her answer..."I want to help people." Here is a pic of her answering her question in her formal outfit.

Here she is after receiving her participation certificate...

Here is a pic of her and her good friend Ainsley who came to support her, what a great friend!

Here is a pic of Kathryn, Ainsley & Morgan...

Misc. pics...

P.S. Thanks for the pics Steph!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Pics

Here are 2 pics of Kathryn in her softball uniform...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trampoline Fun

My sister and brother-in-law may kill me for this, but here is a video that Daniel took of them on the trampoline with the kids...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Another Memorial Day Pic

Here is a pic of Morgan with my niece Makenna in the pool...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Pics

My parents were out of town Memorial Day weekend so the kids and I went over and had the house and pool to ourselves. In this pic Morgan decided she couldn't wait for me to apply her sunscreen and did it herself, I don't know if you can tell in the pic but she was covered solid white, I think she used half of a brand new tube...

Here's Morgan chillin' pool side...

In this pic Kathryn had my brother-in-law's hat and glasses on and was trying to act tough...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Addendum to Rich's Daniel's School Project

My friend Gail wanted to know what the saying on Daniel's shield meant. So here is the breakdown of the meanings behind the shield. The gold is for generosity and elevation of the mind, red means warrior and black is constancy, the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation. The symbol on the left indicates first born, the lion stands for dauntless courage. The four arms of the Maltese Cross stand for good sense, self-control, fairness and determination. The sword stands for justice. The lightning bolt is for swiftness and power. The Crown (mural) means defender of a fortress, token of civic honor. The gem stands for diamond or supremacy. The sun is glory and splendor. Last but not least the saying at the top "Meum pactum dictum" is My word is my bond. If you missed the pic, see

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Storm Clouds, They Are A Brewin'

Last week we had a thunderstorm blow through and I took this pic from my backyard right before the storm hit. The clouds looked really cool, the pic really doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daniel's Award and My Lesson in Humility

The sixth grade had their awards assembly last week and Daniel received an award for being on the superintendents honor roll, which means he maintained an A average all year. Yeah Daniel!
But I have to tell you a funny story that happened at the assembly. All the sixth graders were seated at tables in the middle of the gym and the parents were on bleachers over to the side. Well, as the principal is getting ready to begin he asked all the parents to scoot down toward him so that we could see better. So I get up to move and as I'm walking I slip in some water on the floor and as I'm going down one foot goes straight out in front of me and the other foot folds up behind me, like the half splits! Where's the camera when you need it! I should have given someone my camera and asked them to take my pic before I got up, NOT! Then when I got up my pants were wet on my behind where I guess my butt wiped up the water I slipped in! I was a little embarrassed but I'm sure I wasn't even half as embarrassed as Daniel must've been, you know he's at the age where everything a parent does is totally humiliating, he was probably thinking maybe no one will know she's my mom! Anyway, I got a good laugh and a lesson in humility. Here's the pic of Daniel with his award, I don't know how in the world I got him to smile, he must've been imagining me sprawled out on the floor in front of everyone. ;)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Recital Time

The girls both took tumbling this year and they each did a tumbling routine with their classes at the dance recital. Kathryn's costume was pajamas and Morgan was a ladybug. Here are some pics...

Monday, May 26, 2008


Last week Daniel asked Kathryn to videotape him playing basketball. He made her delete the first one and do it again because in the first video every time he would make a basket she would ooohh and ahhh or make a comment, so here is the second one she took. He made every shot and of course she had to say hello at the end.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

1st Grade Field Trip!

Last week I went with Kathryn on a field trip to the Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in Mckinney, Texas. Kathryn loved it! They have a museum and several hiking trails, we must've walked several miles, we sure were tired that night! Here are some pics we took...

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Harumph!

Here is Rich on Mother's Day, doesn't he look like a happy camper?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mother's Day

We went to Ardmore to spend time with my mother for Mother's Day. It was a nice day, I enjoyed spending time with my kids and extended family. After church all 16 of us enjoyed a nice lunch at El Chico. Here are some misc. pics...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kathryn Receives Another Award

Kathryn received yet another Math award at school! You go girl! Here's the pic...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rich's Daniel's School Project

Daniel had a school project in which his assignment was to design a family shield/crest. So here is what Rich Daniel created. Pretty good, huh? As you can tell Daniel just loves to have his picture taken in the morning, he's such a morning person, just like me, ;p

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Pics

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, as my friend Steph told me...."Your blog is growing mold"! Anyway, I've been really busy and then I had some trouble with my puter, but I think all is well now. So here are some pics I have saved up...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Swing Batter, Batter, Batter!!!!

Daniel had his first baseball game of the season the other day. His team won, 12-3. Here is a pic of him up to bat...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kathryn's Photography

Kathryn took this pic of Morgan the other day at the baseball game, I thought it was a good pic.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kathryn's Award

Kathryn received another math award this week. Here's the pic...


The other day the kids were playing around and they hung this sheet from the bunk bed, it was like a hammock. Then they started twisting it and letting it go so they would go round and round. Morgan, being so small, looked like she was in a papoose. Here's the pic...


Here are some misc. cute pics of the girls...

Yummy!!!! Chocolate donut!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Writing Level

My friend Gail posted on her blog about how some people complain that her writing is over their head, So she found this link that will test your blog and show your writing level, hers was high school level. I am ashamed to say, being a college graduate, that my blog is written on the junior high level. Anyway, I thought it was interesting so I am posting the link so that you can test your blog too. Let me know what level you write.

blog readability test

TV Reviews

P.S. I was informed by my friend Gail (see comments), that it is not writing level, but reading level, so to have a junior high reading level is good, because that means anyone should be able to read it. (I think she's just trying to make me feel better, and it worked!) :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Punished with a Baby?

I'm not trying to get into a political debate, however, one of the candidates said something that really surprised me, watch it for yourself....

Is a baby really a punishment? I thought they were blessings, gifts from God. If you don't want it, give it up for adoption, but it's not a punishment, it has a purpose! OK, I'll get off my high horse now! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Basketball Game

Here are more pics of Rich & Daniel at the game (see previous post).

This one's my favorite, Daniel's self portrait.

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