Thursday, February 21, 2008

How Many People in the US Have Your Name?

My friend, Gail, sent me an email with a link to this cool site where you can find out how many people in the US have your name. Apparently there 16,691 people in the US with the first name Roxie, but this website said that it could not find any other people with the last name of Beishline, which I know is not true. So it says there are no other Roxie Beishline's in the US, which may be true, not too common a name. Anyway, I added the link to my side bar if you'd like to try it. Kinda fun!


Steph said...

There are 455 wanna be Stephanie Gibsons out there!!!

Anonymous said...

0 Cynde Davis', but 3416 Cynthia Davis'. They are probably ruining my credit somewhere!! I don't need any help with that.