We have lived in this house 9 months now and one thing I've never liked about it was that there is no door between the master bedroom and master bathroom. (It's very strange, I don't understand why someone would build a house like that) It's very annoying when you're trying to sleep and someone turns the light on in the bathroom, there's nothing to block the light. Anyway, I had been trying to figure out how to put a door in, it's an odd size door frame and you can't put up doors that swing open because it would block something. I even tried to figure out how a sliding door would work. Then about two weeks ago it hit me, duh, why not just hang up a thick curtain that you could open and close and that would block the light. So that's what we did. So here are the pics...opened...


Pretty nifty and it blocks out most of the light plus it was a heck of a lot cheaper than trying to put in a door. Isn't Rich handy, my little handyman.
1 comment:
I love the idea!! It is kinda strange that there would be no door!!! I also love the low pegs for the girls, I might have to steal that idea!! I hate bending over when its something that they should be able to do on thier own!!!
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